Wake Up,Life is Calling You by Preeti Shenoy |Book Review

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5 min readApr 26, 2019


Hey Peeps!!!🙏

Today’s Post is all about the “The Most Trending” book in web by Preeti Shenoy — “Wake Up,Life is calling You”.Its the Sequel of her Best selling Book “Life is What You Make It”.

Life is what you make it was my first book read by her and I was highly moved with the story. when everyone busy reading her “The Rule Breakers” which was again a bestseller, she gave her fan another surprise by releasing “wake up, life is calling You” sequel. I was one among her fan who Pre-Ordered the book😇

Even before reading, I knew the book is going to be really awesome and inspirational and of course it was. So, without any delay, let’s begin the Book Review.

Before you read the book review, Check out the book review of “Life is what you make it” by Preeti Shenoy| The First book to this sequel

Wake Up, Life is Calling You by Preeti Shenoy| Book Review

Wake Up,Life is Calling You — Preeti Shenoy | Complete Book Review




The story traces the Life of Ankita after coming back from Mental Illness Center. How hard was her life, did people accept her? Or did they gossiped about her illness? How did she overcome all her hurdles in Life?

The plot begins with “Ankita” joining her favourite “Creative Writing Course” in Bombay after discontinuing her MBA Course. She made beautiful friends there. She was super excited of all these things — Her classroom, her friends and her train journey — everything. A new bloom of FRIENDSHIP

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To her surprise, she meets Vaibhav — in her home. Ankita didn’t want her old memories to hunt her. But then, Vaibhav was rite here sitting in her hallway and chatting with her parents. Vaibhav showed complete love and care to her — which she needed the most. — LOVE and CARE

Life was going smoothly for her — but then for how long!!! She meets Joseph on her culture fest which made her remember all those messy things that happened. How she Kissed him, thinking of Abhi. She felt dumb, restless. She Lost her Battle this time — couldn’t control her mind, its words.

“You are useless”
“You give pain to all” — OLD MEMORIES FLASHING

Her Prof “Mrs Hayden” inquired her about her illness and her lack of concentration in the work. The last assignment was not up to the mark and it was not original. Ankita got worried more. Her creativity was fading — HER PASSION

With so much of struggle, she made her way to Freddy’s Birthday Party. She least expected Joseph’s arrival there. He tried to misbehave with her. And the worst things happened later — everything turned upside down. — The words of Joseph and Freddy went straight into her heart. She stood motionless, dumb and restless. — They said she was insane, she was mad, admitted in Mental centre All these things kept torturing her, she couldn’t sleep again. It was the biggest night for her.

Wake UP, Life is Calling You❤❤❤

Prof Hayden was the Best Part of this Story and I loved her more. Her way of approaching life and her tough battles with life was incomparable. She spoke the words of kind and affection. She helped Ankita to face the battle with positive thoughts. Ankita Topped her batch and in with Life. Her Life Changed in the Best way she imagined later on. Her last speech.

ALERT🔊 : Read the Other Books Of Preeti Shenoy Here

My Favorite 💕

I enjoyed each and every part of the book. Getting connected with Ankita and her life was too easy, but getting out of was a big task.

Discovering an Old Book You once Read is Like meeting an Old Friend after a Long Time
  • Mrs Hayden❤ — First of all her House, Garden was the best thing to be lived in. Her concern for Ankita and soft pale eye. Her soft voice — everything. She was dam the best character I loved.
  • Last but not Least — Her Parents. Every parent are special and her parents were too. They cared her more, understood her problems, encouraged her in struggles.

Life’ Little Notes📘 — Ankita decides to overcome her struggles in her own way. She writes her thoughts in her diary with a Note. It was really appreciable to see how strong was her will. This little write up made her keep calm from.

There are two types of friends one who enjoy with you and the other one who helps to grow. You have the first type of friends because of the same interest. And the second type of friends is hard to get those you help to see the reality of life. Who tells you the truth no matter what. Do you have such a friend? I’m glad I have.” — FRIENDSHIP

I don’t think I really have anything that I didn’t like in this plot — except for “Parul” and” Janaki” for leaving her alone when she needed them the most.

Final Words✍

Thus “Wake Up, Life is calling You” is the best novel I have read this month. It has lots to teach us. Life has so much messy and beautiful plans for us. Keep fighting until you get out of those messy and unwanted things in life. Ankita you are such a wonderful soul and I have no words for you.

It took almost a day for me to come out of the story. A highly recommended Book read to all.🤗

QOTD: If you want to erase one incident from your past, what would it be??


Other Book Recommendation REVIEWS to check:

** The Forest of Enchantments Book REVIEW | A new Perspective of Ramayan

** Life is what You make it,by Preeti Shenoy

** Give Your Life a Break by Anuj Tiwari



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Stories keep me engaged,so i got myself into Reading and Narrating those stories to everyone. Book REVIEWS and short Stories in English and Tamil.