Life is What You Make It by Preeti Shenoy |Complete Book Review

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6 min readJul 19, 2020


Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy complete book REVIEW

Howdy READERS!!!

Pick any Preeti Shenoy’s Book, trust me you are sure to get motivated. My first book read of her’s was “Life is what you make”, it was one hell of a read. I adored each and every single line in it. The Sequel of the book “Wake up, Life is calling you” did complete justice to it. READ the complete book review of “Life is what you make it” and “Wake up, life is calling you” by Preeti Shenoy here.

If you want to read some lite, yet inspiring book I would highly recommend you to pick these two books of Preeti Shenoy. And later you can pick up her other books too. Do check out her other books here: Preeti Shenoy Books

Book Blur: Life is what you make it

What if it threw you to a place you did not want to go? Would you fight, would you run or would you accept? Set across two cities in India in the early eighties, ‘Life is what you make it’ is a gripping account of a few significant years of Ankita’s life.

Ankita Sharma has the world at her feet. She is young, good-looking, smart and has tonnes of friends and boys swooning over her. College life is what every youngster dreams of and she also manages to get into a premier management school for her MBA. Six months later, she is a patient in a mental health hospital. How did Ankita get here? What were the events that led to this? Will she ever get back her life again?

Life has cruelly and coldly snatched that which meant the most to her and she must now fight to get it all back.

It is a deeply moving and inspiring account of growing up, of the power of faith and how determination and an indomitable spirit can overcome even what destiny throws at you.
A tale, at its core a love-story that makes us question our beliefs about ourselves and our concept of sanity and forces us to believe that life is truly what one makes it.

Buy the Book Here: Life is What you Make it by Preeti Shenoy 👈

Book Review of Life is What YOU make IT 🎉

Every one of us undergoes mental depression during some point of our life. It could be anything from “Not getting good grades, not getting the desired college, breakups to the simplest thing in our life like “not getting a seat in an MTC bus — temporary depression”.But all our depression and stress has its own way and struggle to evade from us.

Life is What you make it is a similar story of a girl named “Ankita Sharma” who undergoes mental depression and gets admitted in a Mental hospital for recovery. What depression did Ankita face in her life? what happened?? Let's see the story little briefly.

Ankita Sharma is excited to start her life as a college student in“St Agnes College for Girls”.Though she is happy about it, a part of her misses Vibhav — her love. Her parents are strict like most of the parents and they don’t allow Ankita to meet her friends on weekends, though she is allowed to share letters with them. Ankita and Vibhav share their love via Letters.

Everything was all set for her. New place, new friends and as usual she does extraordinary well in her academics and in extra circular activities. She becomes the favourite student for many and the talk of the campus. One day, her friend introduces a boy named“Abishek” to her from another college. And a new form of friendship grew between them. One day, Abishek confesses to having feeling for her. Later, seeing his care and affection, Ankita starts to feel his love. Her love for Vaibhav starts to fade off now.

Ankita informs Abishek, that she would be leaving the city and moving to Mumbai for her MBA studies. This news hit Abishek hard and he wasn’t ready to lose her. He begs her not to leave him, but Ankita had already made up her mind. She tries to console him, yet she fails terribly. Finally, he decides to spend some quality time with her before she leaves Kerala and she agrees to it. The day is finalised and both of them spend some good time with each other. The day ends with both of them sitting on a beach and conversing. Abishek gets drunk and starts to sobber to her again, asking her not to leave. Ankita gets annoyed by his behaviour now. What happened later was terrible. Heartbroken Abishek commits suicide.

Don’t Forget to Follow Preeti Shenoy on her Instagram Page| A person who’s page and stories you would love to check daily

She gets trapped by this incident and starts to blame herself for what happened to Abishek was her fault. She tried hard to distract her attention from Abishek and started to concentrate more on her MBA course in Mumbai. She became super active, witty and interactive. At times she couldn’t come out of his thoughts. Along with his thoughts, a few other incidents in her life added to her depression. Her parents got worried about seeing her condition. Her beautiful life started to shutter down just in front of them.

Her parents finally decide to admit her to a Mental health hospital for treatment, when they saw Ankita tried to jump off from a building. This terrified them. She began to shout at her parents when they left her in the hospital. Ankita couldn’t take this. She lost everything in her life. A girl who was excellent in everything couldn’t even read a word from a book. She lost track of her memory.

A new ray of hope came to her from Dr Madhusudha. He explained and encouraged her to take up this treatment patiently. She believed him and took her treatments properly for 6 months. She did everything the doctors told her.

But what happened? Did Ankita get cured of her mental issues? Did the treatment help her? What happened to Ankita and her life at the hospital?? Read the book to know it. You can get the book here: Life is what you make it.

The most difficult road often leads to a beautiful destination. This book inspired me a lot. One important fact to understand from this book “Nothing remains the same in our life, You can’t predict what life is to offer us”(like our current situation— this quarantine has brought in with it so many things along with the virus)Be happy and take good care of yourself and your mental health, this is the keynote I took from this book.

It's not bad to get depressed, but it becomes bad only if we don’t give proper attention to it. If you ever feel low in your life, do some artwork, read some good novel, watch some movie, listen to music — do anything that distracts you from your depression. Talk to your friends, for they know how to handle you. The most blessed thing in today’s era is we can talk to anyone from any place, make use of it. If nothing helps, Sleep — its the simplest and the best medicine.

Check out my Book Review on Wake Up, Life is calling you by Preeti Shenoy |Its the sequel to “Life is what you make it”

Hope you liked this book review. Do let me know your feedback. Don’t forget to read this book “Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy”.A must-read and a must self-gift book to yourself or to anyone. If you are a beginner and want to read something good and easy, you can pick up this book “Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy” without any second thought.

Happiee READING 💕



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Stories keep me engaged,so i got myself into Reading and Narrating those stories to everyone. Book REVIEWS and short Stories in English and Tamil.